Important Dates:
- 28th April 2014 is last date of Application submission.
- 30th April 2014 is the date of Interview.
Post Name: Project Fellow.
Vacancies: 1post.
Time Period of Post: 3years.
Education: The applicant must posses B.Tech./B.E/M.Tech in Chemical Engineering /Food Science and Engineering.
Experience: The applicant must have research experience in food science and engineering and chemical engineering. Specialization works in food science and engineering is also preferred.
Pay Scale: Rs.10,000/-
Selection Process: Selection will be made on the process of Interview.
How to Apply: The eligible candidates must send there application with all the supported documents to B.Mazumdar
Principal Investigator,Chemical Engineering, NIT, Raipur. After the application submission candidates must attend for Interview.
Interview Venue: The interview will be held at Department of Chemical Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Raipur.
Interview Date & Time: 30th April 2014 at 02.00pm.
For official notification file check here
Note: To know more details about the notification can check the official website link given.NITR Recruitment 2014