Important Dates: 20th June 2014 is the last date of application submission.
Project Title: "Metamorphic Trajectory of the granulites from tje Kagtiyal Section, Andhra Pradesh: Implication on the
crustal evolution"
Post Name: Junior Research Fellow.
Vacancies: 1post.
Time Period of Post: 3years.
Education: Applicant must posses Master degree in Geology with minimum 55% marks.
Age Limit: Max. 28 years and relaxation as per rules.
Salary: Rs. 16000/- per month + 20%.
Selection Process: The short listed candidates will be called for Interview.
How to Apply: The eligible candidates must send application on plain paper giving bio-data along with all the supported documents to Dr.Divya Prakash, Principal Investigator, Centre of Advanced study in Geology, Faculty of Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-221005.
Last Date of Applying: The candidates must reach there application before 20th June 2014.
For official notification file check here
Note: To know more details about the notification can check the official website link given.