Government jobs : Government Jobs vs Action Plan Direction
Today We going to explain How to target Government jobs and what is the action needed .
1. Do I have an exact thought on what an I now? And what am I aspiring to in the future?
2. Am I really ready with the total needed written plan with the time limit to reach my goal?
3. Do I have the strong zeal within myself to touch the goal decided by myself?
4. Do I have an invincible belief on myself and my strength as it can reach the goal?
5. Do I have the concurrent motive to run towards the goal without bothering whatever the world speak or think?
If you say YES to all the above questions, you are completely ready to get the job. Means the success is decide for you!
One small industries entrepreneur says failure in drawing a plan is caused by the drawing plan. He use to say to everyone all the victories in his life always circle around this word. It is indeed, a great word for all the youth who are on journey for jobs. Drawing a plan means writing down on the note one by one all the thoughts which you think they are more useful and important. Means penning down all the works which we have to do. That means action plan.
Aspirant to the job after selecting works job as career first thing he has to do is drawing action plan. Plan should be with time limit then only then and there can make changes and adding’s based on new changes. Otherwise small meaningless things too swallow lot of time and most important thing also disappears from our sight. If there is no action plan in gaining job is like simply giving a scope to failure.

Every man simply aspire victory some lakh of people all over the world are on await for the success. But only some hundreds are successful, why? There are two reasons according to one famous success motivation institute the first one is thinking as victory is the peak stage or look at the information positively. The fact is, victory is only the way to move forward but not the end point. As there is a way to every journey there should be action plan for every success. All the psychologists confirm that victory is not linked with luck, but the zeal that he has within himself moves the life. When you think strongly that I can do that time you can do everything, that is your real and first strength written plan is most important in reaching success. Henry says “with the action plan not only getting expected results tomorrow but also you will be clear about the problems come across day after tomorrow”.
Some year back there was a survey in America regarding written action plan. In that there come out some unexpected thing. Only 3% people have apparent, concurrent and active written action plan. 10% people have comprehension over their goals and future activities. 60% people thought about their future activities but most of them concentrated only on financial things. Rests of the 20% people have no any serious plan. By this survey, can understand clearly that success belongs to only 1% people. At the same year there was another survey on success people. Only 3 % people have got grand success. 10% settled. 60% just come up. Rest of the people live depending on other’s help. If we observe the survey carefully, 10% people of second group also have the same qualities and qualifications of 3% people of the first group, Zeal to achieve and better comprehension. But there is only one difference that is, 10% people are not having any written action plan like 3% people this brought a great difference in their performance. 3% people are with 10 times energetic than the 10% people.
Paul Mayer Explained clearly according to the points in “Dynamics of personal motivation” regarding the value and importance of the written action places. There is a pressure always from all the corners on our time and concentration in daily life on every one whether he is a student aspirant to job or businessman. No man can escape from tension in this speed era. Because of the tension things which are clear today tomorrow becomes problematic or may forgot. So, useless we maintain everyday written plan can’t preserve old precious things for tomorrow. And if also saves your thinking without disturbances influences.
Written plan is measurement for your development. It shows then and there how much, moved forward clinical analysis said, because of drawing human victories on the graphics, human motivation energy levels moves to the peak. If we start exercise without plan and time limit. Our memory power falls into dilemma because it can’t remember dies because of unclear prospects.
Writing makes your through clear. IF thought is clear there will be better motivation to step ahead. There will be full clarity when you pan down on the paper all your schemes. Along with feel more respect to your goal. If you portrait yourself on the paper feel more confident. Written plans always remember your aims you feel more happy and get new fresh strength when see action plan.
You can save lot of time and energy through writing a plan. Need not to worry about anything when you write your goals on the paper, automatically other things come out connected with your life. Through this you can stop at starting stage the future you think. If you write, actions plan no doubt your skilled power arises and walks in the way of success. At the end there is a proverb. “What men do, gain the same thing” No one can escape from this. Whatever man thinks does it. Unless we clearly know what we think, our goal to be achieved won’t be clear. So action plan is like a mirror which show what our goals and ways to reach it. Therefore follow action plan, touch the VICTORY..!
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