IBPS (Institute of Banking Personnel Selection) CWE (Common Written Examination) has issued Notification for Recruitment of Specialist Officer posts, eligible candidates can apply before 14/12/2013 through online.
Important Dates to Remember :
Starting date of Online application Registration : 25/11/2013.
Closing date of Online Registration : 14/12/2013.
Last date for Payment for Fee : 25/11/2013 to 16/12/2013.
Date of Online Common Written Examination : 08/02/2014 to 09/02/2014.
Date of an Interview : March/April 2014.
Post Names and Vacancy Details :
Sr.No. |
Name of the post |
Experience |
1 |
I.T. Officer (Scale-I)
Nil |
2 |
Agricultural Field Officer (Scale I) |
Nil |
3 |
Rajbhasha Adhikari (Scale I)
Nil |
4 |
Law Officer (Scale I)
Nil |
5 |
HR/Personnel Officer (Scale I)
Nil |
6 |
Marketing Officer(Scale-I)
Nil |
7 |
I.T. Officer (Scale-II)
2 years in IT field
8 |
Law Officer (Scale II)
3 years experience of practice at Bar/Judicial service/Law Officer
9 |
Chartered Accountant (Scale II) |
Nil |
10 |
Manager Credit (Scale II)/ Finance Executive (Scale II) |
Two years in the area of
Credit Appraisal of big/
medium industrial
projects in Scheduled
Commercial Banks
Applicants should be qualified Bachelor Degree or Master Degree (M.Tech) in in Computer Science/Computer Applications/Information Technology/Electronics/Electronics & Telecommunications/ Electronics & Communication/Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering for S.No.1,7, Graduation in Agriculture/Horticulture/Animal Husbandry/Veterinary Science/Dairy Science/ Agri. Engineering/Fishery Science/Pisciculture/Agri Marketing
& Cooperation/ Co-operation & Banking/Agro-Forestry for S.No.2, PG in any discipline (Hindi/English is a optional subjects in Graduation) for S.No.3, Graduation in Law (LLB) for S.No.4,8, Graduation or PG Diploma in Personnel Management / Industrial Relations/ HR/Social Work /Labour Law for S.No.5, MBA in Marketing/PGDBA/PGDBM Marketing for S.No.6, Charted Accounts pass for S.No.9 & Graduation/CFA/ ICWA/MBA (Finance) for S.No.10 posts.
Applicants age limit must be 20-30years for S.No.1-6 posts & 20-35years for S.No.7-10 posts as on 01/11/2013.Upper age limit Five years for SC/ST/EX.SM/ordinarily domiciled in the Kashmir Division/Persons affected by 1984 riots, Three years for OBC and Ten years for PH/PWD Categories is applicable as per Govt. rules.
Applicants have to pay Examination fee Rs.100/- for SC/ST/PWD categories and Rs.600/- for all other categories,paid through by using only Master/Visa/Debit/Credit cards or Internet Banking system.
Applicants selection process will be based on Written Examination/Interview performance skills.
CWE details :
A.Law Officer- Scale I & II & Rajbhasha Adhikari Scale I posts:
Name of test |
No. of Questions |
Max.Marks |
Total Time |
Reasoning |
50 |
50 |
120mints |
English Language |
50 |
25 |
120mints |
General Awareness with special
reference to Banking Industry
50 |
50 |
120mints |
Professional Knowledge |
50 |
75 |
120mints |
200 |
200 |
--- |
B. IT Officer Scales I & II, Agriculture Field Officer Scale I, HR/ Personnel Officer Scale I, Marketing Officer Scale I, Chartered Accountants Scale-II & Manager Credit / Finance Executive Scale-II posts :
Name of test |
No. of Questions |
Max.Marks |
Total Time |
Reasoning |
50 |
50 |
120mints |
English Language |
50 |
25 |
120mints |
Quantitative Aptitude
50 |
50 |
120mints |
Professional Knowledge |
50 |
75 |
120mints |
200 |
200 |
--- |
- The CWE Test on English or Hindi language.
- One fourth or 0.25 of the marks assigned to that
question will be deducted as penalty to arrive at corrected score.
- IDENTITY VERIFICATION-PAN Card/ Passport/ Driving License/ Voter’s Card/ Bank Passbook with photograph/ Photo identity proof issued by a Gazzetted Officer on official letterhead/ Photo identity proof issued by a People’s Representative on official letterhead.
Eligible applicants may to apply through Online application from official website and registered on before 14/12/2013.Further details visit official Notification file here.
Organization Banks :

Official Notification file-Check here
Official Website here
Apply Online here