AMU (Aligarh Muslim University), Govt. of UP, Aligarh has Issued Notification for Recruitment of 54 Faculty posts, eligible candidates can apply before 31/08/2013 through offline.
Important Dates to Remember :
Application receiving Last Date : 31/8/2013.
Post names and Vacancy Details :
Sl.No. | Name of post | No. of posts |
1 | Professor/Director | 11 |
2 | Assistant Professor | 20 |
3 | Associate Professor | 10 |
4 | Physical Directoress (Women’s College) | 01 |
5 | Deputy Registrar | 03 |
6 | Assistant Registrar | 01 |
7 | Hindi Translator | 01 |
8 | Archival Assistant | 01 |
9 | LDC (Admin) | 06 |
Applicants should be qualified Ph.D with 10years research/Teaching Experience for S.No.1, MBA with in Finance specialization for S.No.2, Ph.D or M.Ch for S.No.3, Master Degree with 55%marks merit and 9years work experience for.S.No.5, Degree in Hindi/English from recognized University for S.No.7, PG in Social Science/management/Commerce for S.No.8, Intermediate pass with Typing Speed in English of 30 Words/min. in English or 25Words/mi in Hindi on Mannual Typewriter for S.No.9 posts.
Applicants get limit must be between 18-27,30-55years as on 31/8/2013.Age Relaxation is applicable as per Govt. rules.
Applicants have to pay application fee Rs. 150/- paid by Bank Demand Draft (SBI) drawn in favor of Finance Office, AMU, Aligarh at AMU Branch.
Applicants can apply through prescribed application format download from AMU official website.Filled form attached all required documents, DD copy send to The Assistant Registrar, (Selection Committee), Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh-202002 on before 31/8/2013.
Official Notification file-Check here
Official Website here
Application form here