ISP Notification of Medical Officer Jobs, India Security Press (ISP) invites the application for the recruitment of 4 Medical Officer Posts. The candidates will be selected by Walk-In-Interview process. The more details about the notification is given in below following.
Important Dates to Remember:- 9th May 2014 is the date of Walk-In-Interview.
Post Name:- Medical Officer.
Vacancies:- 4posts.
Educational Qualification:- The candidates must posses MBBS and should have Satisfactorily completed Rotating Internship.
Experience:- Post quantification experience minimum three years and experience in dealing with the cases as per CGHS norms shall be preferred.
Pay Scale:- Rs.25,000/-
Age Limit:- Not exceeding 65years.
Selection Process:- The candidates will be selected on the basis of Walk-In-Interview. The interested candidates can attend for Interview.
Interview Venue:- Walk-In-Interview held in the Office of the General Manager, India Security Press, Nasik Road-422101, Maharashtra.
Interview Date & Timings:- 9th May 2014 at 10.00am.
Note:- To know more details about the notification can check the official website link given.
For official notification file check here