Wednesday, 23 April 2014

UC Clinical Psychologist Recruitment 2014

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UC (University of Calcutta) invites the application for the recruitment of Clinical Psychologist-3posts on the contract basis. The applying process is offline procedure. The more details about the notification is given in below following.

University of Calcutta

Important Dates: 20th May 2014 is the last date application submission.

Post Name: Clinical Psychologist.

Vacancies: 3posts.

Time Period of Post: One year.

Education: The applicant must posses M. Phil in Clinical Psychology/ Medical & Social Psychology.

Pay Scale: Rs.16,000/-

How to Apply: The eligible candidates must submit their application on a plain paper enclosing curriculum vitae and all attested copies of testimonials to the office of Secretary, University College of Science, Technology & Agriculture, 92 APC Road, Kolkata-700009. The candidates must reach there application before 20th May 2014.

Selection Process: The candidates will be selected by Walk-In-Interview process. All original testimonials should be produced during the time of the interview.

Interview Venue: The interview will be held at  The office of the Secretary, University College of Science, Technology & Agriculture, 92 APC Road, Kolkata-700009.

Interview Date & Timings: 29.05.2014 at 12.00pm.

For official notification file check here

Note: To know more details about the notification can check the official website link given.


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