Friday, 25 April 2014

OUAT Data Collector Recruitment 2014

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OUAT Data Collector Recruitment 2014, OUAT (Orissa University of Agriculture & Technology) invites the application for the recruitment of Data Collector-4posts on the temporary basis. The applying process is Walk-In-Interview procedure. The more details about the notification is given in below following.


Important Dates: 29th April 2014 is the date of Walk-In-Interview.

Post Name: Data Collector.

Vacancies: 4posts.

Time Period of Post: 3months.

Age Limit: Bellow 50years.

Educational Qualification: The candidate must posses B.V.Sc &A.H.

Experience: The candidates should have M.V.Sc. and experience in large and small ruminant development programmes.

Pay Scale: Rs.15,000/-

Selection Process: The candidates may attend for Walk-In-Interview, and candidates must carry there original documents when the time of Interview.

Interview Venue: Interview will be held at the Office of Principal Investigator, Instructional Livestock Farm, OUAT, Bhubaneswar-751003.

Interview Date & Timings: 29.04.2014 at 11 AM.

Note: To know more details about thee notification can check the official website link given.

For official notification file check here


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