RSV (Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha), Tirupati has issued Notification for Recruitment of 10 Professor/Associate Professor/Asst.Professor posts, eligible candidates can apply before 26/12/2013 through offline.
Important Dates to Remember :
Application Availability starting date : 13/11/2013.
Application Receiving last date : 26/12/2013.
Post Names and Vacancy Details :
Sr.No. | Name of the post | No. of posts |
1 | Professor | 03 |
2 | Associate Professor | 02 |
3 | Asst.Professor | 05 |
Applicants should be qualified Ph.D in Hindi/Sanskrit/Nyaya subjects and Ten years Teaching experience in College/University for S.No.1, Ph.D/PG with 50% marks merit and 8years Teaching experience in College/University for S.No.2 & Master Degree in Hindi/Yoga/Meditation/Visistadvaita Vedanta subjects with 55% marks merit/NET or SET clearance certificate for S.No.3 posts.
Applicants age limit 65 years for all posts.
Applicants have to pay application fee Rs.300/- for General/OBC categories and Rs.150/- for SC/ST categories and no fee charges for PWD candidates, paid through Bank Demand Draft drawn in favor of The Registrar, Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha, Tirupati.
Applicants selection process will be based on Interview performance skills.
Eligible applicants can apply through prescribed application format download from official website and filled form, attested copies send to The Registrar, Rashtriya Sanskrit
Vidyapeetha, Tirupati-517 507 (A.P.).
Official Notification file-Check here
Official Website here
Download Application form