Indian North West Coast Guard, Chandigarh has issued Notification for Recruitment of 10 Various posts, eligible candidates can apply before 45days from date of Advertisement through offline.
Important Dates to Remember :
Application Receiving last date : 45days from date of Advertisement.
Post Names and Vacancy Details :
Sr.No. | Name of the post | No.of posts |
1 | Engine Driver | 03 |
2 | Electrical Fitter | 02 |
3 | Motor transport Driver | 01 |
4 | Lascar Ist Class (Group-C) | 01 |
5 | MTS (Peon) | 01 |
6 | Unskilled labourer | 02 |
Applicants should be qualified Matriculation pass and Competency of Engine Driver Certificate for S.No.1, Training Course of relevant Trade from an ITI or Apprenticeship completed from recognized/Reputed Institute for S.No.2, 10th Class pass and two years work in Motor Vehicle Driving for S.No.3, Matriculation pass and Three years work experience in service on Boat for S.No.4, Matriculation/Two years work as Office Attendant for S.No.5 & Matriculation pass or ITI and Three years work experience in relevant Trade for S.No.6 posts.
Applicants age limit must be 18-27years for,3,5,6 posts & 18-30years for S.No.1,4 posts.
Selected applicants will get pay band Rs.5200-20200/- for all posts.
Applicants selection process will be based on Written Test/Interview performance skills.
Eligible applicants can apply through prescribed application format as given on Notification file and filled form, attested copies send to Indian Coast Guard, Head Quarters, Coast Guard Region (NW), PO.Box No.09, Sector-II, Gandhinagar-382010, Chandigarh.
Official Notification file-Check here
Official Website here