High Court of Karnataka, Bangalore has issued Notification for Recruitment of 120 Peon (Cook) & Group D ( Peons, Sweepers, Watchmen and Peons House Keeping) posts, eligible candidates can apply before 23/11/2013 through offline.
Important Dates to Remember :
Date of Notification : 17/10/2013 (70 posts)
Date of Notification : 15/10/2013 (50 posts)
Application Receiving last date : 23/11/2013.
Post Names and Vacancy Details :
Sr.No. | Name of Category | Peon | Group-D |
1 | GM | 25 | 25 |
2 | SC | 08 | 08 |
3 | ST | 02 | 02 |
4 | Cat-I | 02 | 02 |
5 | Cat-IIA | 07 | 07 |
6 | Cat-IIB | 02 | 02 |
7 | Cat-IIIA | 02 | 02 |
8 | Cat-IIIB | 02 | 02 |
----- | Back log posts (Grp-D) | ----- | ---- |
9 | SC | ---- | 18 |
10 | ST | ---- | 02 |
---- | Total | 50 | 70 |
Applicants must have to complete 7th Standard pass and have experience in cooking for Peon posts/Group-D posts.
Applicants age limit must be 18-35years as on 15/11/2013.Upper age limit 40years for SC/ST/Cat-I, 35years for Category-II-A/II-B/III-A/ III-B of Other Backward Classes is applicable as per Govt. rules.
Selected applicants will get pay band Starting range from Rs.9600/- for all posts.
Applicants have to pay application fee Rs150/- for GM/Gat-II/cat-III candidates and no fee charges for SC/ST/Category-I candidates, accompany with Crossed Indian Postal Order in favour of the Registrar General, High Court of Karnataka, Bangalore 56000.
Eligible applicants can apply through prescribed through official Notification file and filled form, attested copies send to The Registrar General, High Court of Karnataka, Bangalore 56000
Official Notification file-Check here (Group-D posts)
Official Notification file-Check here (Peon posts)
Official Website here
Download Application form (Peon posts)
Download Application form (Group-D posts)