CWC (Central Water Commission),Ministry of Water Resource, Hyderabad has issued Notification for Recruitment of 79 Out Board Driver/Electrician Gr-II & Skilled Work Assistant posts, eligible candidates can apply before 30days from date of advertisement through offline.
Important Dates to Remember :
Application Receiving last date : 30days from date of Advertisement.
Post Names and Vacancy Details :
Sr.No. | Name of the post | No. of posts |
1 | Out Board Driver | 04 |
2 | Electrician Gr-II | 01 |
3 | Skilled Work Assistant | 74 |
Applicants should be complete Matriculation pass or ITI Certificate and Valid license in Motor Boat/Out Board Engine Driving for S.No.1 & Matriculation pass or ITI Certificate for S.No.2,3 posts from recognized Board/Institution.
Applicants age limit must be 18-30years.Upper age limit Five years for SC/ST,Three years for OBC, Ten years for PH/PWD Categories and up to 45years for CWC Departmental Candidates is applicable as per Govt. rules.
Selected applicants will get pay band Rs.5200-20200/-
Applicants selection process will be based on Trade Test and more Experience.
Eligible applicants can apply through prescribed through official Notification file and filled form attested copies send to The Superintending Engineer, Central Water Commission, Godavari Circle, H.No.11-4-648 (Room No.304), Krishna Godavari Bhavan, A.C.Guards, Hyderabad-500004.
Official Notification file-Check here
Official Website here
Download Application form