South Western Railways, Hubli has issued Notification for Recruitment of 1299 & EX.SM Quota 245 various posts, eligible candidates can apply before 28/10/2013 through offline.
Important Dates to Remember :
Application receiving last date : 28/10/2013.
Post names and Vacancy Details :
Category wise Total Posts : 1299
EX.Servicemen Quota : 245 posts
Sr.No. | Name of the post | No. of posts |
1 | Trackman (Engineer) | 621 |
2 | Helper(TMO) | 104 |
3 | Helper (Bridge/Engineer) | 01 |
4 | Helper (pway/Engineer) | 13 |
5 | Helper/Works/Engineer | 62 |
6 | Helper/Civil Engineer (RWF) | 16 |
7 | Helper (Mechanical(C&W) | 129 |
8 | Helper/DSL/Mechanical Wing | 03 |
9 | Helper/DSL/Electrical Wing | 06 |
10 | Helper/Electrical | 55 |
11 | Helper/Electrical (RWF) | 02 |
12 | Helper/Stores (RWF) | 06 |
13 | Porter/Hamel/Sweeper/cum porter | 155 |
14 | Safaiwala/Medical | 62 |
15 | Helper/Mechanical/Workshop | 05 |
16 | Helper S&T) | 55 |
17 | Helper/S&T(RWF) | 02 |
Applicants have to complete 10th Class pass or IT from recognized Board.
Applicants age limit must be 18-33years as on 01/1/2014.Upper age limit Five years for SC/ST categories, Three years for OBC & Ten years for PWD categories is applicable as per Govt. rules.
Selected applicants will get pay scale Rs.5200-20200/- for all posts.
Applicants have to pay application fee Rs.100/- paid through Indian Postal Order from any post Office.
Applciants selection process will based on Physically Efficiency test/Written Examination and Medical Examination marks merit.
Applicants can apply through prescribed application format and filled form, attested copies, IPO receipt, recent passport size color photograph send to Assistant Personal Officer (Recruitment)/Railway Recruitment Cell,Hubli.
Official Notification file-Check here
Visit Official Website here