NIPHM (National Institute of Plant Health Management), under the Ministry of Agriculture, Govt.of India has Issued Notification for Recruitment of 28 RA/JRF & SRF posts (Contract Basis), eligible candidates can apply before 26/08/2013 through offline.
Important Dates to Remember :
Application Receiving Last Date : 26/8/2013
Post names and Vacancy Details :
Sl.No. | Name of Discipline | RA | SRF | JRF |
1 | Entomology | 02 | 02 | 04 |
2 | Plant Pathology | 02 | 02 | 01 |
3 | Pesticide Management Division | 02 | 02 | 01 |
4 | Nematology | 01 | 01 | 01 |
5 | Weed Science | …… | …… | 01 |
6 | Plant Physiology | …… | …… | 01 |
7 | Vertebrate Pest Management | …….. | …….. | 01 |
8 | Plant Health Engineering | ……. | ……. | 01 |
9 | Software Programmers | 02 | …… | …… |
Total | 10 | 07 | 11 |
Applicants should be qualified Ph.D in Agriculture/Chemistry/ Organic Chemistry/Analytical Chemistry/Bio Chemistry/ Biotechnology/Environmental Science / Microbiology for S.No.1-8 posts & Master Degree in Computer Applications with B.Sc in
Agriculture/Horticulture/Agricultural Engineering. for S.No.9 posts.
Applicants age limit must be between 32-35years as a number of post.
Selected applicants will get pay band Rs. 24000/- for Research Associates , Rs.16000/- for Senior Research fellows & Rs. 12000/-for S.No.Junior Research Fellow posts.
Applicants selection made will on basis of Interview performance skills.
NOTE : PPT will be intimated to the short listed applicants along with call letter.
Applicants can apply through prescribed applicants format download from Official Notification file and filled form attached all necessary documents send to The Registrar, National Institute of Plant Health Management,
Rajendra nagar, Hyderabad 500 030, Andra Pradesh.
Official Notification file-Check here
Official Website here
Application form here