Central Administrative Tribunal, New Delhi has Issued Notification for Recruitment of 100 various posts (Deputation/Regular basis), eligible candidates can apply before 45days from date the date of Advertisement through offline.
Important Dates to Remember :
Application receiving last date : 45days from date the date of Advertisement.
Post names and Vacancy Details :
Sr.No. | Name of the post | No. of posts | pay Scale |
1 | Registrar | 05 | 37400-67000/- |
2 | Joint Registrar | 03 | 15600-39100/- |
3 | Principal Private Secretary | 02 | 15600-39100/- |
4 | Court/Section Officer | 16 | 9300-34800/- |
5 | Private Secretary | 16 | 9300-34800/- |
6 | Jr.Hindi Translator | 13 | 9300-34800/- |
7 | Assistant Director(O.L) | 01 | 9300-34800/- |
8 | Accounts Officer | 07 | 9300-34800/- |
9 | Jr.Account Officer | 03 | 9300-34800/- |
10 | Hindi Translator | 01 | 9300-34800/- |
11 | Library & Information Assistant | 02 | 9300-34800/- |
12 | Court Master/Stenographer Gr-C | 15 | 9300-34800/- |
13 | Stenographer Gr-D | 14 | 5200-20200/- |
14 | Caretaker | 02 | 9300-34800/- |
Applicants should be qualified Graduation in Law for S.No.1, 2,3, Officers holding for S.No.3, Master Degree or equivalent for S.No.6,7, 8.9, PG with Certificate course in Translation from Hindi to English for S.No.10, two years service experience for S.No12,13 & Officers of Central Govt. holding analogous post for S.No.14.
Applicants can apply through prescribed application format download from official notification file and filled form attached send to The Principal Registrar, Central Administrative Tribunal, Principal Bench, 61/35,
Copernicus Marg, New Delhi-110001.
Official Notification file-Check here
Official Website here
Application form here